Thursday, April 7, 2011

Couple Time: This Week, Indulge Him

Let's face it. After children enter the picture, it's easy to make them the center of your universe, but always remember that on your checklist of priorities, your spouse still comes first. In the words of Spencer W. Kimball, a good, happy marriage is one where husband and wife "have great regard for each other" and "their worlds revolve around each other." A good thought. Happiness in marriage is essential to the eternal plan. However, it's easier said than done when the laundry's piling up, kids are begging for dinner, the house is a mess, and all the mom-responsibilities become overwhelming. But we all know that dads have it rough too. He needs a pick-me-up day just as much as we do. Make him really feel like he's the center of your universe. The secret is quality time; spend it with your spouse. And this week for date night, let's indulge him, ladies.

Show some special interest in his hobbies:
-If he likes to hunt, take him paint-balling or lazer-tagging.
-If he likes to build stuff, send the kids to a sitter so you can pop in some music and work along side him.
-If he likes to play video games to unwind from the day (like my hubby), grit your teeth and play with him.
-If he likes cars (also like my hubby), take him to a car lot and "pretend" like you're car shopping with him. Looking at cars makes my husband unbelievably happy.
-If he likes movies, surprise him by going to the midnight premier of an upcoming, anticipated movie. Something about the midnight showing is just fun to do. Maybe it's the hype.
-If he's the outdoorsy type, find a trail he's never been to and take him there. Pack a extra special lunch while you're at it. Or save up and take him climbing at a rock-climbing wall. It's seriously SO fun.

And the list goes on. The trick is to plan, plan, plan. Don't leave this to the last minute and fall into the "So...what do you want to do?" rut. Make him feel like his hobby is something important to you. I promise that on our end, planning dates like this are beyond fun. There's still time. So share your ideas! What ways can you think of to indulge your husband's hobbies for date-night this week?


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